Best Credit Card for Improving Your Financial Position is our main subject of discussion in this article. Different and talk about these six credit cards that I recommend getting. If you want to create the best possible setup, walk away and put the credit card game entirely. This would be a fun, hypothetical scenario to go over here. What I mean by quitting the game is that you would stop getting more credit cards and more signs of bonuses because, for some people, having all these credit cards at once can get messy and disorganized.
The six cards in this video aim to prove that you can keep things simple while maximizing rewards because you do not need the kind of cards to accomplish that.
1.0 Best Credit Cards for Improving Your Financial Position
There are several credit card in the market as each financial institution is trying to entice customers by offering best rewards and benefits. However, it is very difficult for the customers to select the best credit card which can help them improve their financial position especially in this era characterized by high cost of living due to inflation. The next section focuses on the best Credit Card for Improving Your Financial Position.
1.1 Chase Freedom Flex
The Chase Freedom Flex, the best Credit Card for improving your financial position on this list, is designed with simplicity in mind. With no annual fee, it’s a straightforward cashback credit card that earns you valuable Chase Ultimate rewards points. Its main feature is the 5% cashback or 5x points per dollar in rotating quarterly categories on up to $1500 in total combined purchases each quarter. You just need to activate those 5x categories that change every 3 months.
It offers cash back on grocery stores, amazon, hotels, restaurants, gas stations, and PayPal, earning 5x cashback within those rotating categories on the Freedom Flex, which is a simple and effective way to maximize your rewards.
In addition, this card earns 5x cash back on travel through Chase, 3x background dining, and 3x cash back on drug stores. It also offers a good cell phone protection benefit, suitable for a card with no annual fee.
1.2 Citi Custom Cash
Citi Custom Cash is the second-best credit card for improving your financial position on this list. It also has no annual fee and is more flexible than the Chase Freedom Flex. This is one of the most significant credit cards anyone can have in their wallet. That is because the main feature is earning 5% cash back, or 5x city thank you points per dollar under the top eligible spend category on up to $500 spent each billing cycle.
Those categories where you can earn that 5x cash back include restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores, select travel, select transit, select streaming services, drug stores, home improvement stores, fitness clubs, and live entertainment.
The Citi Custom Cash, the second-best credit card for improving your financial position on this list, stands out for its flexibility. Every billing cycle, you can change the categories in which you want to use this card to earn 5x cash back. All you need to do is pick one of those 10 eligible categories each billing cycle and then only use this card for that one category. This flexibility empowers you to maximize your rewards based on your spending habits, making it a great credit card for those who want control over their rewards.
1.3 Bill MasterCard
The best Credit Card for improving your financial position is Bill MasterCard. The main reason why the Bill Master is great is because it is designed to earn rewards for renters and homeowners. With this card, you can earn points per dollar on rent payments without paying any transaction fees you usually get charged for up to 100,000 points per calendar year. Those landlords typically charge as much as 3% when paying rent with other credit cards. That amount will be waived here, and you will earn points on rent, which is a lovely double win. You will also earn 2x points on travel, 3x on dining, and then 1x points on other purchases.
The best feature of this card is that on the first day of every single month, Bill runs a promotion called Rent Day, where you earn double points on all those purchases. So those categories then become 6x dining, 4x on travel, and 2x on everything else. Be aware that you must make at least five transactions for each statement to earn the points with this card.
Another great feature and benefit of the Bill Mastercard is the self-protection benefit. This benefit provides you with comprehensive protection against fraud, identity theft, and unauthorized transactions, giving you peace of mind when using your card. There are no transaction fees and some travel protections, and they also have the best list of transporters with programs like Hyatt, Alaska, Flying Blue, Air Canada, and other programs, which makes bill points valuable when redeeming those points.
The Bill Maser Card has announced that you can now earn some of these valuable bill points when you buy a home. For this, you have to be a Build Rewards member. For example, if you buy a $400,000 house, you might be able to earn up to 200,000 bill points.
1.4 Capital One Venture X
One of the best Credit Card for improving your financial position is the Capital One Venture X. Although there is an annual fee, it is manageable and easy to offset and justify. The Venture X card costs $395 per year, but it also comes with a $300 annual credit for travel books through Capital One plus every single year starting on your first account anniversary.
You also get an anniversary bonus of 10,000 Capital One miles, which is worth at least $100. This means that every year on your account anniversary, you will receive an additional 10,000 miles, which you can use towards travel or other rewards. When you take the value of that travel credit plus the anniversary bonus and then subtract the $395 annual fee, you are still going to come out ahead by around $5 every year.
It has spending multipliers, whereby with those multipliers, you can earn 10x miles on hotels and rent cars, book through Capital 15x miles on flights booked through Capital One, and 2x miles on all other purchases. The 2x multiplier makes this credit card among the best when it comes to Credit Cards for improving your financial position.
Then, with the 10x and the 5x multipliers, even though you have to book through Capital One Travel to get those higher rates, that portal has features like price drop protection and price matching that can help you define some good deals.
The Venture X also has many other good features, like no 4-transaction fees, a cell phone protection benefit, airport lounge access to priority passes, and Capital One lounges.
1.5 Capital One Quick Silver Card or the Amex Gold Card
The fifth best Credit Card for improving your financial position is the Capital One Silver card or the Amex Gold card, both popular options. With Capital One Silver, you have no annual fee or foreign transaction fees. You earn rewards and benefits, including 3% cash back on grocery stores, dining, entertainment, and popular streaming services.
You can earn 5% cash back on hotels and rent cars booked through Capital One Travel. It allows you to pair the silver card with the Venture X. Hence; you can turn whatever cashback you earn from the silver into more valuable miles that you can then transfer out to hotel and airline programs with Venture X. That means those 3% categories on the silver card, like dining and groceries, are then you turn into 3x miles per dollar. This option makes this credit card more competitive compared to other options. Amex Gold Card, because that card earns 4x back on restaurants and groceries, which is also good.
1.6 Chase Sapphire Reserve
Chase Sapphire Reserve comes in with a $550 annual fee that can be partially offset by a $300 travel credit that can be used anywhere at Chase. It also has a comprehensive definition of what travel is. So this credit card will work on travel stuff like flights, hotels, and car rentals, but it will also work on things like trains, tolls, parking, and more.
Once that $300 credit is used, you are going to be able to earn 3x back on any other travel as well, which makes this a better option compared to venture X, which only gets 2x back on travel outside of Capital One’s portal and also sometimes it does not always make sense to book travel inside of a portal.
The Chase Sapphire Reserve also earns 10x Hotels and car rentals, both for Chase, and 5x back on flights booked for Chase. You are also just going to get some of the best travel protections with the Sapphire Reserve as you get access to a growing network of Chase Sapphire lounges at airports across the country, which includes Boston, JFK, La Guardia, Austin, WA Dulles, and now Phoenix, San Diego, Philadelphia, and Las Vegas. With the Sapphire Reserve here, a 550 annual fee only comes down to 250. After that, 300 other travel credits are used.
2.0 Conclusion
I would recommend that the sapphire reserve for the long term in this whole six card options, but you will be locked into that annual fee on this card.
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